Entries from February 2006 ↓


So, have you heard about this "Poker" game that is apparently all the rage? "Texas Hold Them Poker"?

Some guy I sat next to on the bus the other day started telling me about this game. He was talking non-stop about his pocket snowmen and his rainbow flops and catching trips on the river, and all kinds of junk that made no sense. It was very, very annoying.

Every other passenger on the bus cheered when I ate his brains.

Then I ate all of their brains, too.

That's a good story.

Octavia Butler Dead at 58

One Day Only: Free E.A. Poe Audiobook MP3

Things That Scare Me

Well well well…

Sympathetic Monsters, an interview with Eric Powell, part 2


You ever wake up late at night and have a craving for some weird food for a midnight snack? That happened to me last night. I woke up and I could not stop thinking about eating Maria Bamford's brains. Sadly, I was fresh out.

I wonder if the Comedians of Comedy are still touring.

Sympathetic Monsters, an interview with Eric Powell, part 1

Recovery Cinema: Tormented (1960)

Coming Soon: Interview with Eric Powell

Tales Of Horror Episode 13..ThHall of Fantasy

The Hall Of Fantasy January 19, 1953. WGN, Chicago "The Cask Of Amontillado" A good adaptation of the classic. Edgar Allan Poe (author).

Tales Of Horror Episode 13..ThHall of Fantasy

The Hall Of Fantasy January 19, 1953. WGN, Chicago "The Cask Of Amontillado" A good adaptation of the classic. Edgar Allan Poe (author).

Tales Of Horror Episode 13..ThHall of Fantasy

The Hall Of Fantasy January 19, 1953. WGN, Chicago "The Cask Of Amontillado" A good adaptation of the classic. Edgar Allan Poe (author).

Tales Of Horror Episode 13..ThHall of Fantasy

The Hall Of Fantasy January 19, 1953. WGN, Chicago "The Cask Of Amontillado" A good adaptation of the classic. Edgar Allan Poe (author).

Tales Of Horror Episode 13..ThHall of Fantasy

The Hall Of Fantasy January 19, 1953. WGN, Chicago "The Cask Of Amontillado" A good adaptation of the classic. Edgar Allan Poe (author).