Entries Tagged 'awesome movie poster friday' ↓

awesome movie poster friday – the CHILLING CLASSICS CTHURSDAY edition!

While snowed in yesterday, I looked at the paper sticking out of my typewriter and discovered to my shock that I had not been writing my masterpiece at all! Instead, I wrote awesome movie poster friday over and over and over. Yeah, I made some neat designs with the spacing and format and all, but it was a bit disconcerting nonetheless. Rather than view my fugue state typing as a sign of psychosis I am taking the glass half full approach and viewing it as a sign from Blog that I should foist an AMPF on the world, as it's been a hot minute couple of years since the last one. 

So here select posters from a few of the movies I've watched for Chilling Classics Cthursday so far. Some real bangers in the bunch!

I cannot believe Medusa has such a cool-ass poster. I mean, I can, actually...it's Italian after all, and Italian posters are always preem. But the movie is not worthy. 

That said, it does raise the question: is that a very large glass, or a very tiny woman? 

Also I suppose that's champagne she's soaking in, but it looks like something much less savory.

But overall this poster could only be improved by adding Cameron Mitchell. (You'll find that is true of most things.)

These posters for Oasis of the Zombies are way more sleazy, way more exciting, and way more fun than the movie is, that's for sure.

Hard to believe these all represent the same film, yet in my opinion none of them represent it accurately. Oh well, they all look good and take it from me: looking good is the only thing that matters. *nail polish emoji*

Speaking of inaccurate representations, this poster for Crypt of the Living Dead that has it looking like a wacky vampire comedy? Twas the style at the time I suppose (was it The Fearless Vampire Killers's fault?), and it brought to mind the cheeky/sexy poster for Dracula Has Risen from the Grave.

Two movies that were better than I anticipated, one that was not, but three great posters:

Well, I'd better get back to it. A madwoman's ranting doesn't type itself! ...or does it?

awesome movie poster friday – the CHIRASHI edition!

It has been a hotter than hot minute since I've done an Awesome Movie Poster Friday, but the drought ends right now! For one post, at least! 

I've been collecting chirashi for a couple of years now, and I figured it's high time to scan and post some of 'em. Chirashi are mini-posters/flyers (~ 7" x 10") given out at Japanese movie theaters during a film's run; they've got sweet-ass artwork (usually created exclusively for the Japanese market) on the front and a shit-ton of info I can't read (YET) on the back. I love them. Of course I do...look at them. I want to marry them all!
























Bonus! Not a chirashi per se, but similar: here's a Korean flyer for THE DESCENT.

awesome movie poster friday – the VHS WEEK edition!

Well, friends, the long national nightmare known as VHS Week is finally over. Back to regular life as we know it. Back to movies (mostly) on disc or made out of pixels or whatever. Don't worry, I still have some tapes around here to watch and I'm sure I'll let you know when I do, even the garbage ones. What am I saying! I mean especially the garbage ones. For now, though, let's celebrate with some awesome movie posters from some of the awesome and not entirely awesome movies from VHS Week. You probably knew this was coming because of the post title, right? Good job, you, and thanks for reading!

awesome movie poster friday – the VHS WEEK edition!

Well, friends, the long national nightmare known as VHS Week is finally over. Back to regular life as we know it. Back to movies (mostly) on disc or made out of pixels or whatever. Don't worry, I still have some tapes around here to watch and I'm sure I'll let you know when I do, even the garbage ones. What am I saying! I mean especially the garbage ones. For now, though, let's celebrate with some awesome movie posters from some of the awesome and not entirely awesome movies from VHS Week. You probably knew this was coming because of the post title, right? Good job, you, and thanks for reading!

…uh, Movie Poster Friday

What in the puking nun HELL is this?

Okay, whoa whoa, I am going to pump the brakes on my hate. While nothing has ever made me feel older and less "with" "it" than this instagram motif nonsense, there is a part of me that digs it. Well, I dig the idea of it, at least. Maybe not quite as a poster, but as a marketing tactic, sure. Look at The Blair Witch Project–social media and La Internette can surely be used to great ends to make a movie feel ALIVE, ALIVE, ALIVE. (Man, I have a hankerin' to watch The Funhouse.)


If you are going to come up with this "look at my new house, we are moving in!" idea, marketing people, then for fuck's sake...please spring for some actual photography so it looks as if "Rebelleous99" has taken an actual picture of an actual house and an actual moving truck. As it stands, it looks as if she found some Amityville fanart and right-clicked that shit.

On the other hand, it also looks like something Thomas Kinkade might have shat out whilst being tormented in the pits of Hell, and I'm into that.

…uh, Movie Poster Friday

What in the puking nun HELL is this?

Okay, whoa whoa, I am going to pump the brakes on my hate. While nothing has ever made me feel older and less "with" "it" than this instagram motif nonsense, there is a part of me that digs it. Well, I dig the idea of it, at least. Maybe not quite as a poster, but as a marketing tactic, sure. Look at The Blair Witch Project–social media and La Internette can surely be used to great ends to make a movie feel ALIVE, ALIVE, ALIVE. (Man, I have a hankerin' to watch The Funhouse.)


If you are going to come up with this "look at my new house, we are moving in!" idea, marketing people, then for fuck's sake...please spring for some actual photography so it looks as if "Rebelleous99" has taken an actual picture of an actual house and an actual moving truck. As it stands, it looks as if she found some Amityville fanart and right-clicked that shit.

On the other hand, it also looks like something Thomas Kinkade might have shat out whilst being tormented in the pits of Hell, and I'm into that.

…uh, Movie Poster Friday

What in the puking nun HELL is this?

Okay, whoa whoa, I am going to pump the brakes on my hate. While nothing has ever made me feel older and less "with" "it" than this instagram motif nonsense, there is a part of me that digs it. Well, I dig the idea of it, at least. Maybe not quite as a poster, but as a marketing tactic, sure. Look at The Blair Witch Project–social media and La Internette can surely be used to great ends to make a movie feel ALIVE, ALIVE, ALIVE. (Man, I have a hankerin' to watch The Funhouse.)


If you are going to come up with this "look at my new house, we are moving in!" idea, marketing people, then for fuck's sake...please spring for some actual photography so it looks as if "Rebelleous99" has taken an actual picture of an actual house and an actual moving truck. As it stands, it looks as if she found some Amityville fanart and right-clicked that shit.

On the other hand, it also looks like something Thomas Kinkade might have shat out whilst being tormented in the pits of Hell, and I'm into that.

awesome movie poster friday – the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET edition PART TWO!

With Pac-Man Nightmare on Elm Street fever sweeping the globe, I figured it would be a swell time for a little Awesome Movie Poster Friday love for everyone's favorite child murderer.
  • Did you listen to this week's episode of The Scare-ening? Heather Langenkamp was a guest. She was Nancy in A Nightmare on Elm Street. NANCY WAS ON OUR SHOW. It was pretty good, if I may be so bold.
  • Part One of the NoES AMPF is here. Freddy vs Jason posters are here.
  • I love the Dream Warriors.
  • I wonder if somebody actually won the contest advertised below and got to be in Part 4.
  • I like the Platinum Dunes/remake posters. There, I said it.

awesome movie poster friday – the STUFF I REVIEWED THIS WEEK edition!

Yes indeedy, I sure reviewed a lot of movies this week. It's interesting that one of the Turistas posters has "Book 1" on it- was it intended to be a series? Curious. Oh, and the third Human Centipede poster- the red one- can be ordered from the fabulous folks at Mondo by clicking this thing that can be clicked. The first Human Centipede poster makes it look as if the film is vaguely Silent Hill-ish, because they kind of did that in Silent Hill: Homecoming. See?

But fear not nor hope not, The Human Centipede is nothing like Silent Hill. Anyway.

awesome movie poster friday – the JOHN CARPENTER edition!

Top o' the Friday to you all. If I may be so bold:
  • John Carpenter made some of my favoritest horror movies during the late 70s and early 80s. Looking at posters from The Thing, I think "Holy fucking shit, I love The Thing." Then I see posters for The Fog and I think, "Holy fucking shit, I love The Fog." Then I see...meh, you get the idea.
  • The poster for The Fog which portrays the giant woman made out of fog staring at your junk will never get old.
  • If you want more Halloween posters, check out the AMPF Halloween edition.
  • Damn you, Alamo Drafthouse and your amazing posters! I want them all.
  • Though I did not add a relevant poster to the mix, I feel like telling you that a friend of mine once called Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness...Mouthful of Madness.

awesome movie poster friday – the DEVIL’S edition!

Oh, The Devil's Rain, I like you enough to forgive the glaring grammatical error on your poster. And hey, The Devil's Wedding, I see what you did there.

awesome movie poster friday – the WARNER HOME VIDEO edition!

When I think of Warner Home Video (and believe me, I often do), I think of a specific VHS package design the company introduced around 1981 (OF COURSE it was 1981, 1981 rules). Their entire catalogue got the same treatment:
  • Mmm, hard clamshell packaging
  • large photo on the front, often pulled from the film's poster
  • a big dot on the cover & spine indicating genre
  • 2 small photos on back
  • copy that's actually worthwhile: rather than some grammatically-incorrect nonsense typed up by a PR person who doesn't give two craps, WHV films featured critical notes and smart copy; a predecessor to today's often-stellar DVD liner notes
  • the cool black & color stripey background
The part of my brain that's OCD (7%) absolutely appreciates the uniformity of the WHV line, and the part of my brain that's nostalgia (36%) gets many warm fuzzies whenever I spot one of these hulking plastic cases on a shelf. I'm not gonna deny that my love of VHS is rooted firmly in nostalgia- I've certainly talked about it plenty of times before. Neither will I deny that DVDs are superior in a few ways: durability, convenience, picture quality. But for horror geeks who came of age in the 80s, there's no beating VHS. The tapes are more than just copies of movies- they're tangible experiences; trust me, I know how corny this all sounds, but it's true. That pattern in the background of a Warner Home Video can instantly bring to mind 50 memories, of the films themselves and so much more.

All of this means: I heart Warner Home Video. I have a hard time fighting my collector impulses whenever I see one of these- I want to take them home, even if I already own the movie or the movie stinks. I want them expressly for the purposes of sitting on a shelf, looking uniform and pretty. I know how stupid that idea is, so I let them go and then I have these mild pulses of regret. Should I go back and pick up Dressed To Kill? Why oh why did I let The Exorcist II slip through my fingers? At least I have Humanoids from the Deep to console me.

I'm so lame. But Warner Home Video box art sure isn't!

Some of these are courtesy of Basement of Ghoulish Decadence and some are courtesy of Slasher Index. Others, from random places like eBay. This post needed some serious digging. I feel like Indiana Jones! No wait, Lara Croft.

awesome movie poster friday – the FULCI edition PART 2!

The first Fulci AMPF can be found here. Mmm...Fulci.

awesome movie poster friday – the GONZORIFFIC edition!

If John Waters and Russ Meyer had a baby, and that baby became a bunch of people and those people made horror movies, they would be Gonzoriffic. If you'll recall (and I know you will), we had Gonzo's Andrew Shearer, Monica Puller, and Rachael Deacon on the completely manic first episode of The Scare-ening.

From their headquarters in Athens, GA, the Gonzo crew makes microbudget films that are funny, gory, and best of all, girl-positive. They make movies without pretension simply because they love making movies- an attitude that's increasingly hard to come by in the indie horror scene, where everyone wants to be famous. None of the Gonzo women call themselves Scream Queens- even though some of them have appeared in more than ten films. I like the way these kids think! Thing is, no matter how I feel about their philosophies or their films, I wouldn't feature Gonzorrific for Awesome Movie Poster Friday unless their productions had...well, awesome posters. Lucky for us they do, proving that microbudget doesn't mean megacrap- also proving that indie horror posters can completely wipe the floor with unimaginative, over-Photoshopped studio output.

awesome movie poster friday – the WOMEN MAKE MOVIES edition!

Did you know that when they're not shopping, women sometimes direct horror films? It's true, they do! Here are a few notable titles for you to...note. Near Dark was featured in AMPF a few weeks ago, as I'm sure you remember.