Entries Tagged 'kim paffenroth' ↓

Book Review: Valley of the Dead by Kim Paffenroth

Review by Sarah “Fatally Yours” Jahier What if Dante’s Inferno was based on truth? What if in his life Dante faced such insurmountable horror that he wrote it all down but had to pass it off as fiction because it was just too unbelievable? Well, that is the premise behind Kim Paffenroth’s new novel, Valley of the [...]

Zombies Are Getting More Complicated

A few years ago, I read a zombie book titled Dying to Live: A Novel of Life Among the UndeadDying to Live: A Novel of Life Among the Undead by Kim Paffenroth. The story is about a man who finds a survival group at a museum, and all the horrible things (by horrible, I mean the kind of shit that [...]