Entries Tagged 'iPad' ↓

Plants VS. Zombies Shambles onto the iPhone

For those of you who haven’t heard already, Popcap’s now-classic Plants VS. Zombies has finally shambled onto the iPhone – and it’s freakin’ awesome! If you somehow avoided Plants VS. Zombies when it came out last year, that’s OK – well, actually, it’s not OK. It’s not OK at all. Plants VS. Zombies is easily one of the most popular zombie [...]

Five Super-Cheap, Awesome Zombie iPhone Games and iPhone Apps

When it comes to zombie survival training, sometimes you have to grab what you can on-the-go. Luckily for you faithful zombiephiles out there, there are plenty of zombie iPhone games and zombie iPhone apps available on iTunes to help you prepare for the inevitable zombie outbreak. The zombie fans here at the zombiephiles have handpicked the best iPhone zombie games [...]