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Heroes: Season 3 Premiere

Gotta give props to “Heroes” for the William “Greatest American Hero” Katt cameo -- one of the night’s few bright spots. The writers are in an almost impossible situation. How do you please fickle fans and keep the network happy at the same time? Don’t think you can. The premiere drew 9.9 million viewers, down 25% from last season, clobbered by “Dancing With The Stars” and CBS sitcoms.

They need to kill off some characters, the cast is just too bloated. And stupidity shouldn’t drive the stories. Early on, didn’t Kring say that each season was supposed to involve a different cast of characters? Can’t imagine NBC would go along with that one. Say what you will about “Lost”, but they’re not afraid kill their babies.

Almost forget to mention the season premiere of “Supernatural” last week. Gets better every season.