Entries Tagged 'Nintendo Wii' ↓

My Two Moans – Wii Zombies

Today I want to talk about The Wii and its lack of awesome zombie games. Sure, it has some zombie games, but it has nothing that can hold a candle to Left 4 Dead and the original Dead Rising. What’s up with that? I know it doesn’t have the capabilities of the 360 or POS3, but we Wii owners need [...]

Five Reasons We Love Resident Evil – The Umbrella Chronicles

This Zombiephile has been killin’ zombies again. Lots of them. And it feels really, really good.

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, released last month and available only on the Nintendo Wii console, is an injection of zombie-slaying goodness directly into the Wii console, and it’s much appreciated. Doubtless the best shooter on the Wii console since Metroid, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles succeeds in so many ways that it’s hard to distill just five reasons: but distill we have.

The Zombiephiles’ Five Reasons to Love Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

5) Capcom has returned truly awful voice acting to the Resident Evil franchise.
Anyone who played the old RE games remembers that the voice acting in the first three Resident Evil titles was absolutely terrible, zero inflection, complete disregard for context and personality, real rubbish. Playing TUC almost feels like Capcom went and dug the old voice actors out of the closet to remake some of the most wonderful moments in improbably bad dialogue that we’ve ever experienced. Kudos.

4) The Umbrella Chronicles lets you relive some of the RE games’ greatest (and scariest) moments, from a perspective that actually makes sense.
We don’t mean that the plot makes sense; that’s still total garbage; we mean that the perspective of the game makes sense - you can actually aim for the head now. The overhead, cinematic camera style of the previous RE games meant it was impossible to get that most satisfying of zombie kills - the head shot. TUC puts the old RE games into a fast-paced, first-person perspective that keeps you drooling for more.


Five Reasons We Love Resident Evil – The Umbrella Chronicles

This Zombiephile has been killin’ zombies again. Lots of them. And it feels really, really good.

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, released last month and available only on the Nintendo Wii console, is an injection of zombie-slaying goodness directly into the Wii console, and it’s much appreciated. Doubtless the best shooter on the Wii console since Metroid, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles succeeds in so many ways that it’s hard to distill just five reasons: but distill we have.

The Zombiephiles’ Five Reasons to Love Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

5) Capcom has returned truly awful voice acting to the Resident Evil franchise.
Anyone who played the old RE games remembers that the voice acting in the first three Resident Evil titles was absolutely terrible, zero inflection, complete disregard for context and personality, real rubbish. Playing TUC almost feels like Capcom went and dug the old voice actors out of the closet to remake some of the most wonderful moments in improbably bad dialogue that we’ve ever experienced. Kudos.

4) The Umbrella Chronicles lets you relive some of the RE games’ greatest (and scariest) moments, from a perspective that actually makes sense.
We don’t mean that the plot makes sense; that’s still total garbage; we mean that the perspective of the game makes sense - you can actually aim for the head now. The overhead, cinematic camera style of the previous RE games meant it was impossible to get that most satisfying of zombie kills - the head shot. TUC puts the old RE games into a fast-paced, first-person perspective that keeps you drooling for more.
