Entries Tagged 'Online Videos' ↓

The Dead Report Video Podcast

This is a pretty cool video podcast for Zombie fans:

All of the videos are on YouTube:


Here is the first episode:

I plan to add some of their recommendations to the feeds.

Friday the 13th Documentaries from YouTube.





And best of all, Friday the 13th Part VII – Documentary:

A Guy’s Guide To Zombies

Great 50’s style propaganda piece about zombies.

George Romero at Comic-Con 2007

George Romero appears at Comic-Con 2007 with Max Brooks (author of “World War Z”) with a special guest: J. Michael Straczynski.  They talk about Diary of the Dead and the upcoming World War Z movie. 60 min

Diary of the Dead – George A. Romero interview

DreadCentral.com interviews George A. Romero about the fifth film in his zombie series, Diary of the Dead.

Zombie Survival Video with Nick Frost & Simon Pegg

Before Shaun of the Dead, there was this (and an episode of Spaced)

Zombies! How-to special FX on the cheap

Tom Savini interview from the early 80’s (Creepshow era)

I found this cool, old video of Tom Savini talking about his career and his work on Creepshow: