Entries from May 2011 ↓

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Trailer)

I might be in the minority on this, but the trailer is just... okay — cool music though. It's going to be incredibly difficult to meet the standards set by the Swedish film and Noomi Rapace's fantastic performance. *sigh* I don't why this film was remade. Okay, I know why, but still... Daniel Craig is an excellent choice for Blomkvist, but I'm not sold on Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. We barely see her in the trailer. Hmmm. Do yourself a favor, watch the original. You'll thank me later.

Speaking of the Swedish films, I was somewhat disappointed with The Girl Who Played With Fire. Felt like one of the most unnecessary sequels ever (which sounds like a good topic for a future post). Ridiculous coincidences, a nonsensical plot and some forced action sequences — borderline cartoony at times. Sometimes the more we learn about a character with a mysterious background, the less interesting they become. I'm still a fan of the protagonist, so I'll check out The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest at some point in the near future.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Trailer)

I might be in the minority on this, but the trailer is just... okay — cool music though. It's going to be incredibly difficult to meet the standards set by the Swedish film and Noomi Rapace's fantastic performance. *sigh* I don't why this film was remade. Okay, I know why, but still... Daniel Craig is an excellent choice for Blomkvist, but I'm not sold on Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. We barely see her in the trailer. Hmmm. Do yourself a favor, watch the original. You'll thank me later.

Speaking of the Swedish films, I was somewhat disappointed with The Girl Who Played With Fire. Felt like one of the most unnecessary sequels ever (which sounds like a good topic for a future post). Ridiculous coincidences, a nonsensical plot and some forced action sequences — borderline cartoony at times. Sometimes the more we learn about a character with a mysterious background, the less interesting they become. I'm still a fan of the protagonist, so I'll check out The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest at some point in the near future.

Sole Survivor (1983)

Review by Sarah “Fatally Yours” Jahier Sole Survivor is a little-known and underappreciated horror film that had obvious influence on the Final Destination series. When I watched it a few days ago, I was surprised that I hadn’t given it a look sooner, as it was a solid, entertaining film. Denise (Anita Skinner) is the [...]

May 31, Naked Girl Running From Killer at Motel Finds Dead Trucker

What movie has a motel scene where a naked girl hides under the bed from a killer, then runs outside and finds a dead trucker in his truck, and a camera

May 31, ‘One if by Land, Two if by Sea…’

In this '70s or '80s movie, a teenaged boy is killed in a car accident. His three friends in the car survive. At his grave, his mother - dressed all in

May 31, ’70s Horror: Medallion Put in Scar Changes Man to Vampire

I'm looking for a '70s horror movie where a couple is laying in a field and he's asleep. She notices his scar near his throat or chest and a medallion

May 31, Late ’70s Horror Where Bodies Are Skinned With Sickle

This film was on Showtime in '78 or '79, and I watched it nearly every time it was on. All I remember is victims are skinned with a sickle, and the

May 31, Sewer Creature French Kisses Victims

I saw this movie when I was a kid where a creature lives in the sewers and grabs people by the head and forces it's tongue in their mouths to become pregnant

May 30, Childred Hang Lockets on Haunted Tree

I have vivid childhood memories of a film where two children hand pendants or lockets on a tree and the tree is haunted. The boy sees a white pale man

May 30, Horse Head Bookends Used As Killer’s Weapon

Whats is the name of the movie where the killer uses horse head bookends to murder people

May 30, Woman Pulled Away From Car Accident With Severed Leg

Looking for a movie where a car crashes into a department store window, teetering over a woman, and when she's pulled from under the car...she is pulled

May 30, Guys Try to Remove Headlight With Their Mind

I just want to know the name of a horror movie with the following scenes: 1. A woman births a baby after seeing a moon. 2. A man gives a ride to a girl,

May 30, Bald Killer Removes People’s Eyeballs

What is the movie where a girl has flashbacks of her husband, and crashes her car in the woods and is hunted by a bald killer? She ends up meeting a delusional

May 30, Old Woman With Long Gray Hair and Fingernails Kept in Attic

I'm looking for a pre-1976 movie about a woman who was held hostage in an attic by her sister or mother. The woman had long grayish white hair that went

May 30, Hairy Monster Outside Boy’s Window in Driveway

I remember an old film with a little boy looking through a window at night to see a large, hairy monster in his driveway staring at him. What is this