Entries from September 2012 ↓

Public Domain Online Text: The Little Maid at the Door by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

Joseph Bayley and his wife Ann came riding down from Salem village. They had started from their home in Newbury the day before, and had stayed overnight with their relative, Sergeant Thomas Putnam, in Salem village; they were on their way to the election in Boston. The road wound along through the woods from Salem to Lynn...

Coming Soon: Amongst The Dead [Book Review]

Amongst The Dead by David Bernstein is a strange post-apocalyptic story told through the POV of a young girl who is struggling to stay alive in an undead world. Riley is 12yrs old going on 13, and begins the story with the infection of her dad while they are living in a secluded cabin. After her dad’s death, her situation [...]

Public Domain Online Text: The Southwest Chamber by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

'That school-teacher from Acton is coming to-day,' said the elder Miss Gill, Sophia. 'So she is,' assented the younger Miss Gill, Amanda. 'I have decided to put her in the southwest chamber,' said Sophia...

Public Domain Online Text: The Vacant Lot by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

When it became generally known in Townsend Centre that the Townsends were going to move to the city, there was great excitement and dismay. For the Townsends to move was about equivalent to the town's moving. The Townsend ancestors had founded the village a hundred years ago. The first Townsend had kept a wayside hostelry for man and beast, known as the. I was well brought up, and I graduated at a young ladies' seminary. I also married well. My husband was that most genteel of all merchants, an apothecary...

Public Domain Online Text: The Hall Bedroom by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman

My name is Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings. I am a highly respectable woman. I may style myself a gentlewoman, for in my youth I enjoyed advantages. I was well brought up, and I graduated at a young ladies' seminary. I also married well. My husband was that most genteel of all merchants, an apothecary...

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

The Case Of M. Valdemar

The Weird Circle. 1944. . "The Case Of M. Valdemar". A physican claims he can prevent death by hypnosis. The date is approximate. Edgar Allan Poe (author).  oldtimeradionetwork.com

Music: Band of Horses – “Mirage Rock”

I first discovered Band of Horses with their 2007 album Cease to Begin. That was an album that sounded experimental, filled with haunting harmonies and a solid country/folk/rock sound. It hooked me pretty quickly as it made great back ground music for writing and those late nights when lying awake, unable to sleep. Over the [...]