Entries from November 2012 ↓

Public Domain Online Text: The Man and the Snake by Ambrose Bierce

Stretched at ease upon a sofa, in gown and slippers, Harker Brayton smiled as he read the foregoing sentence in old Morryster's Marvells of Science. 'The only marvel in the matter, 'he said to himself, 'is that the wise and learned in Morryster's day should have believed such nonsense...

Jump Scares

Ah, the jump scare. Even the most seasoned horror fan will occasionally fall for them, but they’re most effective when used sparingly. All too often, this advice falls on deaf ears. Characters are constantly subjected to cats springing out of cupboards (How do they manage to close the doors behind them?), sneaky buddies popping up out of dark alleys, split-second shots of spooky faces in bathroom mirrors, etc. It's all about balance. You can't have your ghost/monster/killer to appear in every scene that requires tension or else they'll lose their effectiveness. There's nothing wrong with a quick, cheap scare, just stay away from the same old cliches. Put a new spin on them.

Jump Scares

Ah, the jump scare. Even the most seasoned horror fan will occasionally fall for them, but they’re most effective when used sparingly. All too often, this advice falls on deaf ears. Characters are constantly subjected to cats springing out of cupboards (How do they manage to close the doors behind them?), sneaky buddies popping up out of dark alleys, split-second shots of spooky faces in bathroom mirrors, etc. It's all about balance. You can't have your ghost/monster/killer to appear in every scene that requires tension or else they'll lose their effectiveness. There's nothing wrong with a quick, cheap scare, just stay away from the same old cliches. Put a new spin on them.

Public Domain Online Text: A Watcher by the Dead by Ambrose Bierce

In an upper room of an unoccupied dwelling in the part of San Francisco known as North Beach lay the body of a man, under a sheet. The hour was near nine in the evening; the room was dimly lighted by a single candle...

Public Domain Online Text: The Eyes of the Panther by Ambrose Bierce

A man and a woman-nature had done the grouping-sat on a rustic seat, in the late afternoon. The man was middle-aged, slender, swarthy, with the expression of a poet and the complexion of a pirate...

Public Domain Online Text: The Applicant by Ambrose Bierce

Pushing his adventurous shins through the deep snow that had fallen overnight, and encouraged by the glee of his little sister, following in the...

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com

The Mysterious Traveler

The Mysterious Traveler. August 25, 1946  oldtimeradiodvd.com