Entries from September 2018 ↓

Traditional Closet

Santa Ana Call Girls
Traditional Closet - Los Angeles

Contemporary Bathroom

Contemporary Bathroom -

Chocolate Chip Oreo Brownie Cups

#dessert, #baking, #food photography, #chocolate, #food porn

Recipe by Quantum Stalker

#food, #tapioca, #bubble tea, #drink, #chocolate

Contemporary Wine Cellar

Contemporary Wine Cellar - Vancouver

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Presented for your ear holes!

Hi guys, so today there's a new podcast on the scene, and it's called Gaylords of Darkness, and it's hosted by me and the inimitable Anthony Hudson of Queer Horror!

Will you learn anything? Probably not, except for our opinions on things! Will you laugh? I do not know! Will you cry or get angry? That is your business!

In our premiere episode "Drops of Blood by the Ham," we talk about the trailers for Halloween and Suspiria. You know, the new versions.

During SHOCKtober we will be posting a new episode every Wednesday! You can subscribe to the feed right on our page; we should be available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify any minute now. Oh! And there's a new Facebook page for the show, all fresh like a honeydew melon. (That's not a thing, I don't think.)

We've got some fun as heck content lined up for this month, so if you want some "hot takes" and "room temperature takes" "takes of other temperatures" then check us out. If there's a movie or topic or actor or whatever you want us to cover, leave a suggestion in any ol' place.

Enjoy! Or don't. As always, it's your life!

Eclectic Bathroom

Eclectic Bathroom - Austin

Traditional Kitchen

Tantra Vancouver
Traditional Kitchen - Dc Metro

Ocean Haven Suite, W Hotel, Koh Samui

Ocean Haven Suite, W Hotel, Koh Samui

Some nooze fuh yooze

Okay, before I get to the nitty and/or the gritty of an announcement, let me tell you that back in...June? Maybe?...AW HECK WHO CARES, TIME HAS NO MEANING ANYMORE THE POINT IS I MET THE ONE AND ONLY QUEEN OF FINAL GIRLS AMY STEEL.





Seriously, you guys, it was a dream come true and I am still riding high from it. "An asset to the genre"! I don't know if that's true but hot dang it's nice. She was so nice! So nice. The best.

And should you need further proof that she is very much the Final GODDESS we always suspected, well, she also had a panel at this convention. And at that panel, someone asked her "what it was like being in a movie with Jason." Which...well, that's a question, isn't it? But before getting to it, Amy Steel said "Boy, everyone really loves those men who never say a word." There is so much truth in there, it's like a concentrated truth essence. She is so perfect.

Anyway, that's the story of how I died.

But as I said, life continues on from beyond the grave. And as I also said, there is an announcement! Or, more accurately, an announcement of an announcement. Yeah, I'm being that guy here, like a teaser trailer for a trailer. Why is that a thing now? I hate it! But here I am doing it. I hate myself!

Wednesday–as in the day after tomorrow Wednesday–there will be a new podcast birthed out into the world! And I constitute one-half of it!

I'll fill in all the other considerable blanks on Wednesday. You know, the whens, the wheres, the whats...but until then, here is a...something to get you all jazzed.

Now let me tell you a (boring) story. Once upon a time, The Internet was a kinder, gentler place. Hard to believe, but it's true! It wasn't all Peaches and Herb cream, but it was pretty sweet. Here at Final Girl the comments section was a free, wild place where folks could just comment and the comment would appear and I wouldn't have to "approve" it like I think I'm so big or something. Then some creeps started leaving creepy comments, spam got out of hand, and lo and behold I switched to moderated comments. I would get an email notification that there was a new comment and I could approve or zap it to oblivion right there.

My last post, about the potential newsletter and podcast, got no comments. I will not lie, I felt a bit sad! I know that there are few posts that get a ton of comments these days because 1) I do not post regularly and 2) that's just not the nature of the blog-o-sphere any more. But no comments? About a newsletter or a podcast? Yikes. YIKES I THOUGHT. I wondered if I should continue to yell into the void or simply hang it up and retire to wherever people who can't afford to retire retire to. (Spoiler: I decided to do the podcast anyway, even if I had an audience of zero. So there!)

BUT! Then I logged on to post this post, and what do you think I saw on my dashboard? That's right, a bunch of comments! For all sorts of posts dating back months! They never made it to my email, and therefore I did not know they existed. This proves what I've always said to be true: The Internet is a failure and computers are worthless!

A bunch of those comments were all like YEAH GURL DO A PODCAST. I didn't know I had your votes, but maybe I felt them and that's why I forged ahead. Maybe I don't even need to do the podcast or any of this writing. We can all just think things and feel them! It will save a lot of time. But for now...Wednesday. Podcast. You and me and my co-host with the most most! I'm super excited.

Also SHOCKtober is upon us very soon and I don't know what to do for it. YAY!